Maschinen und Anlagenbau
Industriestraße 47
75417 Mühlacker (Germany)
Tel. +49 7041 891-1
Fax +49 7041 891-232
Court of Registration in Mannheim, Commercial Registry Number HRB 511695
Managing directors: Gerhard Fischer
VAT registration number DE 813 846 380
Corporate tax number 48020/08468
HÄNDLE GmbH is pleased that you are visiting our website and showing interest in our company and our products.
HÄNDLE GmbH assumes no responsibility for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of any information provided. Claims of liability against HÄNDLE GmbH lodged in connection with material or non-material damage resulting from the use or non-use of the information provided or to the use of faulty and/or incomplete information are categorically excluded to the extent that no provenly intentional or grossly negligent culpability on the part of HÄNDLE GmbH is demonstrated. All offers are non-binding and noncommittal.
Händle GmbH retains the express right to modify, delete or discontinue the product range in whole or part, or to temporarily or permanently discontinue publication.
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The internet presence of HÄNDLE GmbH contains links to other websites. HÄNDLE GmbH has no influence over the extent to which other website operators may or may not adhere to the applicable data protection regulations.
As producer and supplier, HÄNDLE GmbH is responsible for its own content subject to general legislation. Thus, distinction must be drawn between such proprietary content and links leading to content provided by other producers and suppliers. HÄNDLE GmbH will accept no responsibility whatsoever for third-party content accessed via links thusly provided, nor does HÄNDLE GmbH embrace any such content.
All responsibility for illegal, faulty or incomplete content, in particular for damage resulting from the use or non-use of thusly provided information, rests solely with the provider of the linked site.
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HÄNDLE GmbH endeavours to honour the copyrights attached to any and all graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts employed in its proprietary publications and to either rely on its own self-generated graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts or to make use of public-domain graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts. All possibly protected third-party brand names and trademarks mentioned within the online content of HÄNDLE GmbH are subject in full to the terms of relevant copyright law and rights of ownership enjoyed by the respectively registered proprietor. Sole mention shall not suffice to assume that a given trademark is not protected by third-party rights! The copyright for any and all objects created and published by HÄNDLE GmbH is retained exclusively by HÄNDLE GmbH. The reproduction or use of any such graphics, audio documents, video sequences and/or texts in other electronic or printed publications is not allowed without the express permission of HÄNDLE GmbH.
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Concept, design and implementation
Netzwerk Mensch Werbeagentur
Lameystrasse 36
75173 Pforzheim, Germany
Tel. +49 7231 58 56 40
Fax +49 7231 58 56 41